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1. The Guardian Accessed December 2017.

2. BDA Accessed December 2017.

3. Brunelle, et. al. Prevalence and distribution of selected occlusal characteristics in the US population 1988–1991. Journal of Dental Research 1996; 75(2) suppl and NHANES data.

4. Data on file at Align Technology, December 2018.

5. Data on file at Align Technology as of July 2018. *Based on a survey of n=101 Orthodontists and General Dentists (from U.S., Canada and U.K, in July 2018; GP=60, Ortho=41) who used the Invisalign Outcome Simulator in the past year and were asked, “For the patients who were presented the option of Invisalign treatment in the past 12 months, and for whom you have used the Invisalign Outcome Simulator, what percentage of these patients started Invisalign treatment?”

6. Data on file at Align Technology, 2017.

7. Miethke RR, Vogt S. A comparison of the periodontal health of patients during treatment with the Invisalign system and with fixed orthodontic appliances. J Orofac Orthop, 2005 May; 66(3):219–29.

8. Data on file at Align Technology as of June 11, 2018.

9. Patel ND. Effect of aligner material, duration and force level on tooth movement. Master of Science Thesis. University of Florida, 2014. Presented by Dr Tim Wheeler, AAO, 2014.

10. Data on file at Align Technology.

11. Data on file at Align Technology as of July 24, 2019

12. Data on file at Align Technology as of December 18, 2018

13. Pacheco-Pereira C, Brandelli J, Flores-Mir C. Patient satisfaction and quality of life changes after Invisalign treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2018 Jun;153(6):834–41.

14. Two sets of additional aligners are included in the treatment price as long as the original treatment goal has not changed, as determined by Align.

15. This applies 24 months from the date of shipment of the initial set of aligners for Invisalign Go.

16. Boyd, RL. Periodontal and restorative considerations with clear aligner treatment to establish a more favorable restorative environment. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2009; 30[5]:280-2, 284, 286 –8.

17. Miro AJ, Shalman A, Morales R, Giannuzzi NJ. Esthetic Smile Design: Limited orthodontic therapy to position teeth for minimally invasive veneer preparation. Dent Clin North Am. 2015; 59[3]:675–87.

18. Granell-Ruiz M, Fons-Font A, Labaig-Rueda C et al. A clinical longitudinal study 323 porcelain laminate veneers. Period of study from 3 to 11 years. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2010 May 1; 1(3):e531–7.

19. Morita RK, Hayashida MF, Pupo, YM. Minimally invasive laminate veneers: clinical aspects in treatment planning and cementation procedures. Case Rep Dent. 2016; 2016:1839793.

20. Some restrictions apply. See “Pricing, Terms & Conditions for Invisalign Go.”

21. All prices quoted in this document exclude VAT.