What happens after you purchase an iTero™ scanner?
When you join the iTero scanner family, you will receive our full support integrating the iTero scanner into your practice. We will share information and resources to help guide you through every step of the onboarding process.
Whether you are purchasing an iTero intraoral scanner for the first time or adding additional iTero intraoral scanners to more of your practices, it can help to know what to expect after your purchase.

Welcome to the iTero scanner family.
You will receive emails with valuable information about the shipping status and delivery of your scanner. We will also provide important onboarding resources to help you get acquainted with your new iTero scanner, including quick start guides, clinical training resources and sign-up information for iTero clinical training.
Before your iTero scanner is delivered.
Once you have purchased your iTero intraoral scanner, you can learn more about it while it is being shipped to you.
Quick start guide
This guide walks you through each step of the iTero scanner onboarding process including training, assembly, and registration. This will make it easy to complete the setup and registration process for your new iTero scanner once it is delivered.
New iTero customer?
If you are a new iTero customer, we will create a new account for you and send an email with your credentials to access your account on the MyiTero.com portal. You will then have access to our web-based portal, which enables doctors and their staff to perform administrative tasks like creating new Rx prescription forms, view newly created 3D models once they have been generated with the iTero scanner, and track orders.
Already have an iTero scanner?
If you are already an iTero customer, your new scanner will be connected to your existing MyiTero.com account, which can be accessed with your current credentials.
When you receive your iTero scanner.
After your new iTero scanner has been delivered, you can begin setting up and activating it.

We provide step-by-step tutorials to help you assemble your iTero scanner. To view user manuals, visit our repository and select the scanner model you have purchased.

To ensure seamless integration of the iTero scanner into your practice, we recommend leveraging the iTero clinical training website. Our instructor-led virtual classroom training sessions are conducted directly on the iTero scanner. Our instructors will work with your practice to identify specific training needs.

You will need to register your new iTero scanner before you can begin scanning. You can find the registration process outlined in the Quick Start Guide.

Make sure to look for emails from the iTero team, which contain important details like registration information and instructions for scheduling the training sessions for your practice.

Using your new iTero Element™ intraoral scanner.
Our professional clinical trainers will guide you through your first scan in a scheduled training session. We ask that you be prepared to have either a patient or staff member available to be scanned during this session.
Following your virtual clinical training, you can continue your learning journey with additional materials and videos located at LearniTeroElement.com.
The content of this website applies to users within the United States and Canada. If you are browsing from another country, please consider visiting the iTero.com website dedicated to your region.